Can we depart from the path of evil in this evil world?
Can we depart from the path of evil in this evil world?
As people who've called on Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we're given the grace to choose good over evil. But one needs to learn it, to be tested and to go to the next level of testing until you're rewarded a Crown.
Let's soak ourselves in Proverbs 16:6-8 to see how to overcome evil. (please open your Bible so you may discern)
1. You're forgiven through love and faithfulness: not of men but of God, therefore live in Him and not in the condemnation of Satan. Often we cling to the evil of this world because you feel unworthy.
• you too ought to forgive others, which is at times difficult, especially if you try to do it by yourself. God's Spirit in you will enable you. You need to do it by prayer (Matt 5:44)
2. The Fear of the Lord enables you to avoid evil: evil has increased because we live in the fear of men. We love to appear right in the sight of men yet forgetting that Christ is the righteous judge. If you live to impress people you'll never be satisfied. You'll constantly fall back to your sinful ways. But when you acknowledge that God sees beyond what men can, then you'll live to please Him alone.
How can you know the fear of the Lord? The fear of the Lord is to hate evil. How do I know what is evil? When you study scripture, you'll know what God expects of you. Psalm 119:10-12
3. Pleasing God is making peace: have you ever had somebody who abhorred you suddenly speak to you?
Quick story: growing up, we had mini gangs and We'd fight other school groups Fridays after school. So we had beef with other school kids. We'd intentionally walk in their path just to pick fights. So that caused us to hate each other. When I gave my life to Christ(genuinely) towards the end of my primary school years, I began to see changes. The kids I'd fight started greeting and we were now smiling at each other. We were living in peace. God causes your enemies to live at peace with you.
4. Gain honestly: gaining is one strong string that keeps pulling people back to evil conduct. In the world we live right now its difficult to be successful i n an honest manner.
•yet it's best to gain a little in the righteous and honest manner. There was a very profound word used during those years *"Easy come, easy go"*
Yet it still is true even in our generation.
Contentment is vital to overcome evil in this evil world we live in.
Remember to:
1. Love & forgive prayerfully:_* Matthew 5:44, & 5:7
2. Live in the fear of the Lord_*
3. Live to please God_*
4. Gain righteously and be content*_.

God Bless you as you share this. (2 Timothy 2:2)
ReplyDeleteThank you, profound everlasting wisdom that is still as relevant as your breath each new day..