The concept of New Birth

What is being born again and why is it so important? John 1:12 Tells us that the concept of being born again is all about GIVING our lives completely to Christ. This scripture gives us a formula for knowing that we are born again. To be born again= Is to believe in Christ and receive Him. The 1st step to living the new life, is to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that He came down as a man, was crucified for our sins, and went back to the Father, that He will one day return again. The step first required is to take a leap of faith; to believe in the unseen God, to dare to call Him Father. The 2nd step is to receive Him, the Christ, as your personal Lord and Savior; you accept His Lordship/Kingship over your life, you leave your life in His hands to direct. You confess that you are a sinner and that you need Him to make you whole, to save you. That is where the journey begins! Romans 10:9-10 goes further to develop the equation as ...