The Fall of Mankind

The Fall of Mankind Genesis 3:1-10 We all know the story, we have heard it being preached somewhere or spoken in some place or another; the fall of mankind. God told Adam and his wife, Eve, not to eat from one tree in the garden or even to touch it; lest they shall die . So, the story begins, the snake comes and asks: "Did God really tell you not to eat from any tree?" Eve replies: "No, not any tree; just the one in the middle." The snake tricks Eve and she eats and then also gives to Adam to eat from the fruit. And just like that, with that little disobedience the fall of Mankind begun. Sin entered the world, and SIN when it was fully grown gave birth to DEATH . With all this came SHAME and GUILT. But the thing humans lost that day, was being in the presence of God. The fall of Man indicates that we fell from a high place, a place of glory (ESV Romans 3:23: "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"). Humanity...